Friday, October 31, 2008

the gift bag lay open

I had the strangest dream last night.
I makes me sad thinking that I still have dreams about him when I was over it a year and a half ago, but it wasn't like I was happy to see him in my dream. I can only recall emotions and a few scenes, the vast empty feeling I got when I saw you there, the bitter tears I cried, screaming at him as I tried to enter the back seat of a car. I swear we were supposed to be in a Versailles castle, but the outside was just plain parking lot. He only stood and taunted me, over and over and over again. His face, grotesque, just the sight of it makes my heart grow stone cold. Why is it so hard to forgive and forget? Why do you haunt me so? Maybe perhaps you're a symbol of my identity, the one that doesn't accept who I am; maybe I'm just scared to face it.

I don't know. I've been having fairly sad and upsetting dreams lately (like the past week or so). I don't understand what it means, nor do I know if it has any significance.

1 comment:

christine s. said...

maybe you're just tired. try to get some more rest and stay positive. eat well, be healthy, and now i'm sounding like your mom. "dress warrrmmmmly! you'll catch a cold!"
